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Intentional Living

100 Good Habits List for a happy, rich, and productive life

It’s the beginning of the year, so why don’t we start with Success in mind?

What is success to you? And how does one become successful?

You’re about to get 100 ideas of good habits that’ll help you become a successful person. This is in good timing since we’re just in the first week of 2024 .

Whatever success means to you, may this 100 good habits list serves as your guide towards success.

The first time I heard this quote, I thought about what it meant in the context of grand achievements and earth-shattering accomplishments. However, over time, I realised that success doesn’t have to mean a jaw-dropping huge “thing”.

Success is many things.

It could be as simple as surviving one chaotic day.

Completing the tiniest step that aligns with the big goal.

Or just being consistent, doing a daily purposeful action towards an important objective.

For me success is to live as intentional as possible. Where I show up as the best version of myself as a Mum, wife, sister, friend and a blogger.

Success isn’t solely about one monumental effort but rather the culmination of daily, intentional choices and habits.

Go ahead and pick the habit of your choice and pick ones that will help you stay happy, rich and productive. And if you’re serious about building these habits, my only request is for you to take one habit at a time.

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Want to develop a habit of weekly planning? Use this Free 2-page Sunshine Weekly Planner.

Mock up of Sunshine Weekly Planner

What are good habits?

Habits are routine actions that are performed regularly and often subconsciously, formed through repetition and reinforcement. The good habits are those that positively influence your daily life, productivity, well-being, and success.

Common types of habits are healthy habits and negative (or bad habits). Habits can either work for or against you. Naturally, good daily habits work for you and negative habits work against you.

The key is to cultivate habits that are aligned with your values and goals. One of the benefits of having good habits is a healthy lifestyle which can be considered a great success.

How do you develop positive habits?

Developing good habits requires commitment, consistency, and regular self-reflection. A great way to build your chosen new habits is to incorporate them into your daily routine. Practise them daily and to make it easier at the beginning, include the habit in your daily to-do list

One of the best meaningful habits that I developed over time is doing a weekly review. I’ve been doing this in the last 8 years and it’s one of the biggest reasons why I’ve been able to keep a healthy balance between my personal and professional life. It took a little while for me to develop and an intentional weekly planning routine but all the testing and the trial and error every single week paid off.

My biggest tip about developing good habits is using trackers. Here’s one of my savings trackers in my Bullet Journal.

An image of a "pay myself tracker" in a bullet journal, as an example of a way of developing good habits

Developing positive habits creates positive changes in life. So, if you want to develop positive habits, here’s my suggestion.

ONE: Identify the positive or good habits you want to build

Start by thinking about the positive lifestyle changes you want to have. Maybe it’s about improving your health, boosting your productivity, or deepening a relationship.

TWO: Prioritise the habit that creates a huge impact on the quality of your life.

Pick just one up to three main goals or one main objective. Then, pick the habits that will help you achieve those goals. Be specific and focus on only one or two habits at a time

THREE: Create a routine.

A routine comes first before the habit.

Let me explain.

A routine is a conscious and intentional set of actions that you choose to repeat regularly. Examples are the morning routine or evening routine. As you repeat your routine and it gets more ingrained it evolves into a habit.

A habit is a behaviour that becomes automatic and subconscious through repetition over an extended period within a routine.

Here’s my current morning routine, hope it inspire you to create one for yourself too.

Image of a morning routine tracker in notion

When developing a habit, I always like to start with morning routine. Here’s a blog post to keep in mind should you need to revamp your morning routine.

FOUR: Start Small

Begin with the smallest and easiest step towards your desired habits. Celebrate each small win and increase the steps, difficulty, or intensity over time.

FIVE: Be self-accountable

You can do it alone of course, but the best way to stay accountable is to find an accountability partner or an accountability group.

Use a physical habit tracker or a habit-tracking app.

I like telling my family members what habit I’m building because reminding each other of goals is one of the things we do in our household.

As a blogger, my favourite accountability group is inside the Passive Income Pathways VIP Membership. Ahhh I don’t even know where to begin. This is a community where it honours massive and scary goals with big bold steps and at the same time appreciate the small, steady and consistent habits. (like daily accountability).
I have never been this committed to follow a path like the PIPS Path Guide.

What’s a good habits list

A good habits list is a collection of positive habits that contribute to physical, health, personal development, money mindfulness, well-being, and success in personal or social life.

A good habits list, includes categories like:

  1. Financial Habits for Wealth
  2. Health, Wellness, and Relationship Habits for fulfilment and happiness
  3. Personal Development Habits for Growth and Wisdom
  4. Organisational Habits for Efficiency
  5. Productivity habits for making the most time

In 2021, I made a commitment of creating at least one habit related to family (love and connections) and passion (blogging about intentional living).
And even though I’ve been practising gratitude daily since I was young, I also included it, because… why not?

An image of a a cover page of a bullet journal that I used to develop good habits

100 Good Habits List

Before you go through the 100 good habits list, would it be ok if I ask you to do something first?

Pause for a moment and think of just one thing that you want to achieve in the next month or so. Take note of it and then pick 3 to 4 habits that you can build each week to achieve that one thing.

Here is the giant list of good habits that you can start implementing from this week. Imagine how great it would be if each week, you practise just one habit from this list.

For Money

an image of a a home deposit tracker in a bullet journal
  1. Checking your cash flow weekly/monthly/quarterly or yearly.
  2. Letting go of non essential expenses
  3. Paying attention to your expenses by keeping an expense tracker
  4. Setting aside money first every time you get money from any resource
  5. Investing in resources that further develop your financial knowledge
  6. Saving a certain percentage of income regularly
  7. Setting and reviewing financial goals regularly
  8. Living below your means
  9. Diversifying sources of income
  10. Avoiding unnecessary spending
  11. Paying off credit cards to avoid interests
  12. Paying bills before the due to avoid late payment fees
  13. Avoiding extra cost by practicing intentional spending
  14. Staying organised to avoid costly mistakes
  15. Sticking to a list when grocery shopping

The best way to practise intentional spending is to sue money trackers. Grab the free money trackers by clicking the image below or just download it from here.

Image of Free Money Trackers

For Health

  1. Exercising regularly
  2. Limiting Social media use
  3. Swapping healthy food over treats or sometimes food
  4. Limit blue light exposure by setting unplug hours before bedtime
  5. Eating a balanced diet
  6. Staying hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water
  7. Taking cold showers
  8. Practising a consistent sleep routine
  9. Limiting screen time
  10. Taking regular breaks
  11. Doing regular health checks
  12. Prioritise self-care
  13. Practicing self-compassion
  14. Journaling
  15. Practicing daily reflection
  16. Taking fresh air
  17. Reading
  18. Taking care of your mental well-being
  19. Eating healthy breakfast
  20. Doing deep breathing exercises
  21. Taking regular brain breaks
  22. Taking moments for mindfulness
  23. Having a simple and healthy meal plan
  24. Taking cold showers

Sharing my sleep tracker in my bullet journal. It took me 9 months and a lots and lots of do over before I establish a good sleep hygiene.

April to June Sleep tracker image

For Happiness

  1. Practicing daily gratitude
  2. Wake up early
  3. Cultivating a positive mindset
  4. Appreciating the simple things
  5. Spending time in nature
  6. Connecting with loved ones
  7. Making time for activities you love
  8. Practicing mindfulness or meditation
  9. Celebrating small wins
  10. Showing kindness others
  11. Practicing self-compassion
  12. Letting go of grudges
  13. Choosing a positive attitude
  14. Avoiding negative self-talk
  15. Being a good listener
  16. Using Positive affirmations
  17. Looking for the good in everything
  18. Learning new things
  19. Spending quality time with family and friends
  20. Trying new hobbies
  21. Trying new ways to live a better life
  22. Lowering expectations
  23. Taking notes of ideas of what makes you happy (and implementing them)

For Productivity

Mock up of Sunshine Weekly Planner
  1. Planning the day the night before
  2. Doing the important tasks first
  3. Set daily goals
  4. Getting ahead with food preparation and household chores
  5. Prioritising tasks
  6. Breaking goals into tasks
  7. Setting realistic deadlines
  8. Saying no
  9. Simplifying things by being clear with what needs to be done
  10. Using time block
  11. Batch processing similar tasks
  12. Using templates for saving time
  13. Creating systems and workflows
  14. Writing things down
  15. Embracing growth mindset
  16. Practising an end-of-day routine
  17. Decluttering physical space
  18. Setting priorities
  19. Using Calendars and Planners
  20. Setting time limits for tasks and using a timer
  21. Setting healthy boundaries
  22. Managing distractions
  23. Limiting multitasking
  24. Taking the most of your time by doing what matters first
  25. Staying organised
  26. Keeping a tidy workspace
  27. Organizing belongings systematically
  28. Developing a cleaning routine
  29. Creating a filing system for documents
  30. Building a second brain
  31. Keeping a simple routine
  32. Maintaining a “done list” to remind you of your daily wins
  33. Taking regular breaks in between tasks
  34. Having plenty of sleep
  35. Being in a supportive accountability group
  36. Writing an intentional daily to do list
  37. Using a Pomodoro method
  38. Practising the Pareto Principle

Your next step

Now that you have 100 ideas of healthy habits, your next step is to pick a few first and then narrow it down into 1 up to maximum of 3 habits to focus on.
Then start practising those habits.
Please remember to use a tracker to build and maintain momentum.

If you want to develop a habit of weekly planning, Use this Free 2-page Sunshine Weekly Planner.

Mock up of Sunshine Weekly Planner

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